Want to know more? Here are the books that I read and can recommend as a learning resources. There is no special order to it so just start reading from what ever you feel like it.
Most recommended:
The book that consider as the bible of the home brewer (but I dont really know why). Do I must read it before starting to brew? no! but I do recommend that it will be the first book you read on the subject. I understood that the first chapter/s is available for free online.
Every thing (almost) you wanted to know about the 4 basic ingredients of beer from general history to biology, chemical structures, equations and much more. Any specific order? no, read them as you wish (personally I skipped the equations part as I am less interested in that.
The series (as of written this line) has 18 books about different styles of beers from history to features, brewing methods, tips, recipes, commercials brands (mostly found in the USA as most of the writers coming from there). Any recommended order? No, start with the most interested to you to the lest (of course you can skip and not read if you are not interested in a style or styles).