I want to start brewing beer at home but How do I start? Is my place big enough? What special equipment do I need? Do I need to take a course for it?
In this blog, I am trying to answer as many questions as I can as a home brewer with a few years of experience and share my experience with you.
Let me start with the most common question I hear everywhere when this subject arises: YES! Anyone can brew at their own home.
And for the second question: NO! You don't need a course to start brewing your own beer, and no, you don't have to read books on it either.
I start with a little history (really, little) just to get some concept of the matter and continue with an explanation about beers, like types and ingredients. We will create a common language with some basic terminology and so on.'
How to use this blog best? There is no right answer. You can read any part of it you find interesting first and move to the next one, in no particular order. So if you are not interested in history, just skip it. If you are more practice type, read the process part and the equipment part/s.
Happy readying :)